by Alen
(Zagreb, Croatia)
I use Jimny for work and moving over numerous type of terrain. In this 4 years of driving Jimny`s I have been at many hard-to-get places where no car or human will ever be and had many great memories and just a few bad (like a car crash while driving only 5 km/h).
We have 6 Jimny`s in our company and it is really great car for off-road driving because he is so narrow and it can drive through any better skidding track. Only downsides of him is that he is little uncomfortable for 2,5 or more hour trip (mainly because my height of 190 cm).
About a crash: it was sunny morning and my colleague and I have doing some forest measurements. But one of instruments stopped working and I went to car for another. While doing that, I have seen some track through field. I took the car to get closer to my colleague by that track, but because of sun shining in my face and high grass I haven`t seen that I am driving by stream bank. In one moment the bank has crushed, and car started to fall sideways. It wouldn`t be such a great damage, but it hit in the cut stump, and car fell on the roof in the stream. And there I was, upside down, water coming inside through crushed windows, with whole my life passed before my eyes in second, when I remember that the stream is only 10 cm deep :).
After that (as you can see in one of the pictures), my other colleague with other Jimny and the dragging service has been stucked, too. So, I had to go to nearby village and find someone with the tractor to pull us all out…
This is only small proportion of pictures of „our“ adventures.
I am glad that I have found your site to share some of the adventures.
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